For Fly Fishing Blog

Welcome to our blog! We will share tips, tricks, and experiences related to the sport of fly fishing. It does not matter if you are a seasoned angler or new, our goal is to have this blog provide valuable information and inspiration for your next day on the water. From choosing the right gear and perfecting your casting technique, to exploring new destinations and learning about conservation and ethics we hope that we'll help improve your game.

Fly fishing at a lake


Finding Fish


When going out fly fishing there are a few tips that we'd like to share that will help you be on your way to a awesome day of fishing, even though any day fishing is an awesome day.


  1. Look for structure: Fish often seek shelter in areas with structure, such as rocks, logs, or vegetation. Look for these types of areas and cast your fly near them.
  2. Pay attention to the water flow: Fish tend to congregate in areas with good water flow, such as in the current or near a drop-off. Look for areas where the water is moving and cast your fly there.
  3. Consider the time of day: Fish tend to be more active at certain times of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Try fishing during these times for better success.
  4. Look for feeding behavior: If you see fish jumping out of the water or see birds diving into the water, this may be a sign that there is a school of baitfish nearby. Try casting your fly in these areas to attract the attention of predatory fish.
  5. Use a variety of flies: Different types of flies may be more effective for different types of fish and in different conditions. Try using a variety of flies to see which ones are most successful.