For Fly Fishing Blog

Welcome to our blog! We will share tips, tricks, and experiences related to the sport of fly fishing. It does not matter if you are a seasoned angler or new, our goal is to have this blog provide valuable information and inspiration for your next day on the water. From choosing the right gear and perfecting your casting technique, to exploring new destinations and learning about conservation and ethics we hope that we'll help improve your game.

hand holding fly rod with real


The roll cast is a useful fly fishing casting method used when there is not enough room to make an overhead backcast, like when you're fishing in tight quarters or when there are obstacles behind you. It involves using the momentum of the fly line to lift the line off the water and then making a forward cast.


Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform the roll cast:


  1. Stand facing the direction you want to cast, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing slightly sideways.

  2. Hold the fly rod with both hands, with your dominant hand on the top of the handle and your non-dominant hand on the bottom.

  3. Hold the fly line in your dominant hand, with your thumb and index finger on the line.

  4. Raise the rod behind you and stop when it is at a 45-degree angle, with the line extended behind you.

  5. Make a small backcast by moving the rod slightly to the side and then back, using your wrist to generate power. This will create a small loop of line behind you.

  6. As the loop of line begins to straighten out, make a forward cast by moving the rod forward in a sweeping motion, using your wrist and elbow to generate power.

  7. As the rod reaches a 45-degree angle in front of you, stop and pause for a moment. This is called the forward cast.

  8. Repeat the backcast and forward cast until you have cast the fly to the desired location.


When practicing the roll cast, it is best to start with short casts and gradually increase the distance as you become more comfortable. With practice and experience, you will be able to make longer and more accurate casts.