Fish Species

Fly fishing is a popular and an exciting method of catching fish, sometimes it can be a little confusing for beginners. A important thing to think about when fly fishing is species of fish you want to catch. The different species of fish will require different flies, techniques, and equipment. If you understand how each fish acts it will help you catch more fish. In this webpage, we'll focus on some of the more popular species of fish that you can catch while fly fishing.

To Begin With

Trout: are one of the most popular species of fish that are caught while fly fishing. They are found in both fresh and saltwater, and are known for their striking colors, strong fighting ability, and adaptability. Some of the most popular trout subspecies are rainbow trout, brown trout, and brook trout. Rainbow trout have the largest range of the trout. They can be found in almost every state in the U.S. Rainbow trout are known for bright colors, and are caught using dry flies, wet flies, and nymphs. Brown trout, also widespread, can also be found in almost every state of the U.S. Known for their large size they are typically caught using streamers, nymphs, and dry flies. Brook trout the smallest and most elusive species, typically found in cold, and clear streams and rivers and I've caught them in high mountain lakes. Brook Trout have bright colors, and can be caught using dry flies, wet flies, and nymphs. MORE.....

Salmon: a species of fish that is usually found in saltwater, known for their large size, strength and ability to put up a good fight. Popular species of salmon are coho salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon. Coho salmon, found in the Pacific Ocean and known for their large size and strong fight. Typically they are caught using streamers, wet flies, and nymphs. Chinook salmon can also be found in the Pacific Ocean another salmon known for being large and strong. Chinook are usually caught using streamers, wet flies, and nymphs. Sockeye salmon are- MORE.....

animated King Salmon

Steelhead: are a species typically found in freshwater known for a strong fight with an ability for their acrobatic leaps. These are a sea-run rainbow trout, they typically spend most of their lives in the ocean and return to freshwater streams and rivers to spawn. Usually can be caught using streamers, wet flies, and nymphs. MORE.....

Bass: another species of fish that can be caught while fly fishing. Bass are found in freshwater, and are known for their determination to never give up. The most popular bass are largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. Largemouth bass are known for having being large in size and can be found in warm, freshwater ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are caught using streamers, poppers, and nymphs. Smallmouth bass are strong with a relentless fighting ability, typically found in cool, freshwater rivers and streams. They can be caught using streamers, poppers, and nymphs. MORE......


Northern pike: are a freshwater species, usually in Northern regions and are known for their large size and a bad additude. Pike are carnivorous fish that prey on other fish, making them a challenging species to catch on a fly. Northern pike are typically caught using streamers, poppers, and nymphs. They are best time to catch pike is during the spring and fall, when water temp are cooler. MORE.....



Oil Paint Northern Pike
Annimated Perch

Panfish: this is a fun species of fish that be caught about everywhere you are and they are relativly easy to catch on a fly. Panfish include species like bluegill, sunfish, crappie, and perch. They are a freshwater fish, are known for their small size and willingness to take a variety of flies. They are typically caught using small flies such like midges, nymphs, dry flies, and poppers. The best time to catch panfish is during the summer, when water temperatures are warmerMore.....

Walleye: found in freshwater and known for a prefered delicate taste and their fighting ability. They are mostly found in clear lakes and rivers, their highest activity levels are during low light conditions like dawn and dusk. Walleye like streamers, leech, and crayfish patterns. Always remember when you are fishing for Walleye that they are very sensitive to light and movement, so stealthiness is essential. They are picky eaters, so you'll want to match the local prey options and use a fly  that copies it to entice them to bite. Walleye are also known to be elusive, it can be difficult to locate and catch. MORE.....


Animated Walleye

Wrapping Up

Finally, fly fishing gives anglers a chance to catch a wide range of fish species. Every species has its own unique characteristics, habitats, flies and techniques. Learning the different species of fish and how to target them will greatly enhance your fly fishing experience. I used to watch documnetrys of what ever fish I was trying to catch. Our goal was to create this guide provided you with valuable information about the various fish species and how to catch them when fly fishing. If you're an experienced angler or a beginner, we encourage you to continue explore the world of fly fishing always experiment with different flies and techniques.